Let me tell you a little story

Almost 20 years ago, something was unearthed in the Southern US. Today, those who were present, their descendants, and the rest of the world must suffer the consequences. While US black ops operative Powerhouse works to further the interests of his handlers, a group of teenagers come into conflict with each other and the locals. To cap it off, a revivalist preacher and miracle healer dubbed Black Gospel makes a deal that doesn’t work out as intended. All of this sets off a chain of events that completely changes the lives of everyone in the sleepy town of Golden Hind, GA and will literally change the world.

The first extra-length issue of a 5-part series, The Downtrodden is an introduction to a larger world envisioned by Kalvin Harris. Detailing the inciting incident that launches the connected world of The Downtrodden, episode 1 is a 60-page story that explores what happens when desire, power, and the supernatural intersect. 


    Layla/Shade - Layla is an average teenage girl who stands out in a crowd and is quick to defend anyone she thinks needs it. She’s a caregiver at heart but is known as “Shade” by her family due to her ability to cut to the quick if she decides to.


    Lionel Black/Black Gospel - A revivalist preacher and healer, Lionel has been dubbed “Black Gospel” by his enemies and embraced the name for his movement. His blood possesses healing properties. He’s a man on a mission from God and nothing will stand in his way.


    Lucky - Lucky is the biggest name in Golden Hind, being a large fish in a small pond. He has his hands in most of the important business dealings of the town and has aspirations to be a household name worldwide. His only weakness? Women.

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